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January 1, 2020

Cheers to a Brand New Decade and a Greener Year!

By Jenna

A lot can happen in a year…and that couldn’t have been more true for 2019. A year that literally felt like a decade! Bring on the 20’s!

This last year has brought a lot of opportunities for me to grow personally and professionally. A rollercoaster of a year that began with me in the middle of a divorce, working a job selling steel 60 miles away, and struggling to find the balance of being the sole breadwinner for my family and being a stay at home mom. For the first time in 8 years, I was not the one caring for my children and finding someone to take my place proved to be the most difficult part of my career change. At the end of the day I had to make a decision that benefitted both my boys and my soul. I decided to take a huge risk and work to turn my side hustle into a business that could support my family of three.

During this existential free fall I was finalizing my divorce, trying to stand on my own two feet financially, move into a new house and navigate being an entrepreneur/single mom.

Last year was far from pretty. In fact, if there was a meme that represented me in 2019 it would be one of a model stumbling down the runway…not falling…she’s able to stay on her two feet but it’s not pretty…and in the end she stumbles backstage…a little banged up, her spirit bruised but able to try again next year. That was me in 2019 and I’m sure there are a lot of single working moms out there that can relate.

My business really took off this year when I fearlessly started following my heart and trusting my gut. My chaotic life helped to produce some beautiful accidents and my open heart brought some amazing opportunities.

I am so blessed to be surrounded by such a supportive community. I want to thank each and every person from the bottom of my heart that ordered something from me this year. You might not have known at the time, but your order helped feed my boys and heat our home. You were literally my life vest in a sea of the unknown. And somehow everything worked out. Somehow it always does.

Remember when our feminist moms used to say ‘You don’t need anyone! You can do it yourself!’ Well, that was my feminist mom’s mantra. I drank that Kool-Aid; it served me well…until it didn’t. One person can’t possibly be the best mother, wife, friend, or business owner all at the same time. Yet this is what I was raised to believe. 365 days later on the toughest ride I’ve ever been on, I am well aware of my weaknesses as a mother, wife, friend and business owner. Years like the last one have a way of shining a glaring light on these deficiencies.

As I look back on 2019, a lot tougher and a whole lot wiser, I am so proud of what I have accomplished. Even if it wasn’t the prettiest of journeys. I see places that need improvement but I also see my aesthetic and business model strengthening. The Vagabond team is growing (one woman can’t do it all) and I’m excited to have found some amazing women whose strengths balance out my weaknesses.

We are working hard to make ordering and deliveries effortless in 2020 so you never have to worry about a half dead plant in your home again. We are rolling out in-home plant consultations, plant maintenance, and subscription refresh services to keep your plants looking gorgeous year round. Imagine a plant stylist that can green your entire home selecting plants that match not only your aesthetic but also your lifestyle! The wait is over- Vagabond Botanical is here!!

A big part of this move to improved customer service is having the systems and software in place behind the scenes. I am excited to share with you all what we have been working on. Our website will be launching early 2020. This is not your mother’s flower shop!

I’m excited to have created a life that works for me and my family, even if it doesn’t look like anyone else’s life. I feel so blessed to still be able to be present in their lives and earn a living. I am looking forward to sharing this opportunity with other women as Vagabond Botanical continues to grow. You may get an invoice from Nicole or an email from Clare but it is still me creating every piece of botanical art for each of my clients.

The bottom line…plants spark joy! I know they have in my life…in fact they pretty much have given me life…and I’m looking forward to sharing that feeling with all of my friends and neighbors in the new year.

Head to our website and get on our mailing list to be the first in the know about arrivals of the coolest plants, upcoming plant night parties and plant care tips.

Cheers to a brand new decade and a greener year!!
