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January 22, 2020

Looking to De-stress at Work? A Small Houseplant Can Go a Long Way!

By Jenna

Most of us spend the bulk of our day in a workspace, and for many, that means cozying up to an office desk.  The daily grind often entails job-related stress…but did you know something as simple as a desktop plant can significantly aid in reducing it?

A recently published study* by researchers at the University of Hyogo in Japan found that small houseplants kept on your office desk can actually help alleviate stress.  In a nutshell, the study looked at sixty-three office workers in Japan and compared pulse rates for 3 minutes on two separate work breaks, whereby workers were instructed to take when they felt fatigued.  In one break, workers spent 3 minutes looking at and/or caring for plants. In a second break, plants were removed from the workers’ desks. The results were astounding- workers’ pulse rates were significantly lower when plants were actively being cared for or gazed at during the 3 minute break vs. the 3 minute break sans desktop plant.  

So, why not consider adding an easy to maintain houseplant to your desktop?  At best, it may help in reducing work-related stress, and at worst…well, I can’t think of any cons to having your desk play host to a houseplant!  Here are just a few of my low maintenance (and low-cost) favorites:

Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

There’s not a lot that these lovely ladies can’t put up with.  And with so many varieties to choose from, it’s hard not to find one that’ll catch your eye.  Water every 2-6 weeks, depending on temperature and humidity (and do so only when soil is completely dry), and steer clear of direct sunlight.  One of the easiest plants to care for…and oh, it can help clean the air you breath!

Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’ 

This beautiful succulent’s lavender tones get me every time…as does its rosette shape.  It’s also perfect when space is limited. I’d highly recommend this for your workspace if your desk is graced with a fair amount of sunlight.  Water well, but only when the soil is completely dry. Take a 3 minute break when you’re feeling fatigued- gaze, and let the stress melt away!

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

If you’re looking to double up on health benefits- stress reduction and removal of office air pollutants, this is your plant.  The spider plant might be one of the most common and desk-worthy plants around- and for good reason. Known for removing VOC’s (volatile organic chemicals/compounds) from the air,  this office beauty is easy to maintain- water is only needed every couple of days and it does well in light or shade. 

Peacock Plant (Calathea Makoyana)

Anyone out there with a basement office?  You might appreciate the peacock plant, as it tends to thrive in indoor areas with higher levels of humidity.  Known for its elegance and foliage that shares a striking resemblance to peacock feathers, this plant is rather easy to care for-  a little bit of low to moderate light and moist soil is really all it takes. Mist daily and watch her grow…up to 2 feet tall if you take good care of her.


Slow growing and extremely low maintenance, these plants are a cinch to care for.  And with nearly 1,000 varieties, you can easily find one to love. It’s also an ideal plant if this is your first go at caring for one.  Not much watering is needed- only necessary when the surface has completely dried out. Give her a little filtered light or artificial light throughout the day, and you’ll find yourself with a new favorite office mate!

*The study, “Potential of a Small Indoor Plant on the Desk for Reducing Office Workers’ Stress,” was published in the journal HortTechnology, by the American Society for Horticultural Science.
